This post contains auditions posted on Wednesday, August 17, 2011.
This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Casting Call
Commercial and Shoot Treatment:
a) Nightclub & Lounge venue located in Seattle WA. It is one of the most diverse
venues in Western Washington. It contains a nightclub, Lounge, Billiards and Restaurant.
b) We are hosting an open shoot featuring multiple photographers that will be taking photos to be used in
up and coming promotional ad’s and calendars. During the photo shoot we will be filming HD footage to
be used to produce commercials for TV and Web use. We will be also shooting footage to be used for TV
and Web advertising for Presidential Party Bus
c) Participants will be both filmed and photographed.
d) All participates will receive $100 gift certificate for the party bus
e) Mus be selected to attend
f) We will be filming both in venue and on the party bus, Scenes: Club Scene, Riding Party Bus, Bar Scene,
Exiting / Entering Party Bus, Playing Pool, Eating Dinner, Playing Darts, In Front of The Fire Place.
If Interested please email @ least 2 photos to:
Week end shoot
Name of Event: Presidential Party Bus / Nightclub Lounge TV Commercial &
Photo Shoot
Location of Event: info to selected participates only
Length of Event : 4 hours: 6pm â€" 10pm
Event Details: MUST have I.D. 21 & UP age 21-33
Hosted By: Presidential Media Group, Presidential Clothing
Producer / Director: Prez Asphy
Production Company: Presidential Media Group
P.O. BOX 28401
SEATTLE, WA. 98118
) Anderson and Ross -
) Presidential Party Bus -
Dress code: This is for a Nightclub, please bring @ least 2 outfits, the more clothes and options the better,
please come with clothes of your comfort level, please stay away from colors such as white and grey.
We also need models with Lingerie, Swim Suit and other Sexy wear its not required for participation.
a). Will I be paid for my participation?
Answer: No, this is a non-paying gig, you will receive photos for your portfolio.
All participates will receive $100 gift certificate for the party bus.
b). Where is this going to be on TV?
Answer: The TV spot will air on Cable networks such as MTV, VH1 and BET viewable in Western Washington
c). Can I have a copy of my photos?
Yes, copies will be emailed out after reviewing of the production staff. a copy will not be available the day of
the shoot.
d). Do I have to have my hair and make-up done?
Yes, please come ready to shoot, we will have a hair and make-up artist on location but only to touch up
e). Can I bring my friend with me?
must request in adance only one guest, must remain out of the way
f). Will there be food?
Yes, light food will be available to models, additional food and be purchased from venue.
g). What if I can’t make it there @ 6pm?
You are welcome to arrive up until 9pm the earlier you arrive the more time and photos you will be able to
h). What if I do hair or make up professionally?
Please bring your tools to work, this will be a networking session of industry tastemakers, bring your business
cards and come network also
i). What will the photos be used for?
We will use the photos on online and flyer print advertisements for events.
j). What if I have to leave before the shoot is over,
You are welcome to leave when you need to.
P.O. BOX 28401
SEATTLE, WA. 98118
Presidential Media Group
PO Box 28401
Seattle WA 98118
Reply to: Email Address:
Source: Craigslist
Actress Needed for Micro-Budget Short Film
I have a script for a short film that I hope to shoot this month, and perhaps part of next month if need be. I have one last role to fill; the role of the lead female. The part is that of a girl drawn to a particular despite her better judgment and grows to hate herself for it. I'm very open looks so long as you can pass for someone in their late teens. While this is technically a "non-paying" gig, I can compensate where need be to make sure those who want to be involved can be. If you are interested, just email me back and I will send you the script.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Student Film Looking for Scottish Voice Actor (Tacoma)
Please visit the production blog to see progress on the film and for more information!
I am a Tacoma resident, now in my third year of college at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. For my graduation project, I am working on an short animated film adaptation of John Muir's story "Stickeen". This is one of his earliest and best known stories, from his time in Alaska before he really got started in the U.S. conservation movement.
Synopsis: In the summer of 1880, John Muir with friend and fellow traveler, Reverend S. H. Young, charter a canoe and a crew of Tlingit natives to explore the glaciers of southern Alaska. The crew is joined by an unusual passenger, Young's little dog Stickeen. Fearless and thoroughly uninterested in simple canine niceties, Stickeen soon attaches himself to Muir who is himself an avid mountaineer. Together they explore the most precarious terrains, till one night finds them on the wrong side a vast glacial crevasse. Knowing home and safety lie in the dark ahead, man and dog test their mettle on the unforgiving ice. Based on John Muir's classic account, "Stickeen: The Story of a Dog" (1909).
I am currently searching the Tacoma-Seattle region for a voice for John Muir. In particular, I want a man with a powerful resonant voice who can do a Scottish accent. A native speaker is preferred, because the accent should have a bit of subtlety.
If you don't perfectly fit the description above, but are interested in the part, please contact me anyway! Your talent may fit in ways I don't foresee. If you know someone else who may fit and be interested, please direct them to this blog.
Auditions are by email or phone. If interested, please review the partial script at the bottom of this ad. If you have a recording device, please practice and record your reading of the lines as a sound (or video if necessary) file and send it to my email. Please attach it in the email or upload it to a website and send me the link. If you cannot record your reading, please let me know and we can schedule a time to do it by phone.
If you are chosen, we will schedule a time to meet and record the final dialogue in one session. From previous experience I estimate that this will take 2-3 hours. I am leaving for Chicago on August 27th, so the recording will need to be done before then, but otherwise the schedule depends on you.
Unfortunately, with this being a student production, I don't have a budget to compensate volunteers with. However, you will be credited in the film, on the official website, and on; and invited to the film's official showing. Whether or not you can attend, I will definitely send you the finished film. Oh, and if you happen to have any illustration/graphic design needs I will do my best to help you in return.
For the audition script, please see this page:
Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Thank you!
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
EXTRAS- State Police- EDEN- 9/8
I am in need of more gentleman to play State Police Graduates for our
scenes tentatively scheduled for Sept. 8, 2011 for the film EDEN.
Compensation for all extras is $8.67/hr.
We will be providing the police shirt and pants. We will need your
sizes (chest/suit, neck, waist, inseam)
ages 20s to 30s
all ethnicities
decent shape, clean cut
40s to 60s
all ethnicities
some visible gray hair if possible
decent shape, clean cut
I CAN NOT use you if you are already scheduled for another scene/day.
These need to be fresh faces.
****If you are interested and available please send name, picture and
contact information to:
Source: Foreground Background