This page contains auditions posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2011.
This blog will be updated daily to provide actors work in and around the Seattle area. Also, check out yesterday's post because there were a lot of good opportunities posted.
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Seattle feature film seeks young performer (10-13) for small role
A local indie feature film is seeking a young actor or actress, between the ages of 10-13, to play the child of our lead couple in the film. Since the parents of the character in question have already been cast, we do have some specific physical requirements: dark hair/brunette, fair complexion. Height, weight and gender aren't important. The film will be shot over a large portion of 2011, it's a tightly budgeted film shooting on nights and weekends, but we can restrict all the scenes featuring this role to over the summer break and for only a few hours a day. Overall, probably a commitment of about 20 hours worth of shooting total and the character has roughly 6-7 scenes in the script. We can't afford to pay any of the cast but we are providing food on set and can reimburse travel/gas costs for families who have to get to our set, which will primarily be in the Seattle metropolitan area with one location shoot on the coastal beach (1 day shoot, no overnight). Also, a copy of the finished product when it's done, our eternal gratitude and open invitations to any festival/public screenings we may have. If interested, please send a headshot/photo and resume. Non-actors and amateurs are encouraged, simply write a little about yourself in lieu of a resume. We are looking to cast by the end of April and start rehearsals in May, shooting begins in June.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Actors/Actresses/PA's Needed
I am an experienced director, I have all the necessary equipment and I am new to the area so I would like to meet some new people and get working on some cool projects. I am looking for some actors and actresses interested in working on a few shorts and possibly a feature in a few months. I am trying to get a good team together to film some drama, suspense and comedy projects over the next few months. I am looking for people whom are dedicated and reliable.
Compensation: Credit
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Source: Craigslist
Female VO artist wanted
I am looking for a voice over artist for a small project. Pay is $50. Looking for a female.
Please send attachment of work.
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
A.T.O.M. short film needs actors and lighting
Hi Northwest Film Forum community,
I'm making a science fiction short film entitled "A.T.O.M." and it
deals with a time travel and government conspiracy. I'm doing
auditions this thursday from 1-4 pm at the UW Seattle campus please
email me at for more information and I can
get auditions scheduled. The film has no dialogue and it is mainly
movement. I'm shooting the week of March 21st to March 24th.
Man in black, mysterious
Main male lead, early 20s
Main female lead, early 20s
Girlfriend of male lead, early 20s
If anyone is interested in helping with lighting please also contact
me at the email address above. I'm going for dramatic shadows and a
bluish greenish tinted light in some scenes.
Thank you,
Reply to:
Source: Northwest Film Forum Callboard
quiet Acts - Male Actors
quiet is pleased to present quiet Acts, an evening of One-Act plays continuing our season-long exploration of gender.
In Laura Goodwin's Prey, new student Will is shocked to discover that at Pope Joan High, girls are the jocks and women wield all of the power. Can he make a difference in a society that sees him as just another "cute young thing?"
The Other Woman, by Casey Kelly, features a husband and wife who have lost their spark, a girl on the verge of womanhood, and a department-store mannequin that excites, confuses, disgusts, and ultimately brings this broken family back together once more.
Project Begins Apr 3, 2011
Project Ends Jan 4, 2011
Audition/Interview Dates:
March 21st 6-7 PM
Callbacks or second audition/interview?
Callbacks will be immediately following auditions (starting at 7 PM)
Audition Requirements:
Come prepared with a one minute monologue. Sides will be given at callbacks. Email for an appointment
Describe any monetary compensation:
$75.00 stipend
Character Breakdown / Project Needs
Only casting for male roles
Reply to:
Source: quiet Shorts
PAID- Bellevue Cultural Diversity Program Seeks Performers
Bellevue Cultural Diversity Program Seeks Performers
Music and Dance Artists who are family friendly and focus on multi-
cultural, multi-ethnic material needed for performances at Bellevue-
based venues, including Crossroads Community Center, South Bellevue
Community Center, NW Arts Center, Bellevue Square, the Highland Center
and Crossroads Shopping Center. Interactive performers, including
storytellers are needed. Pay is between $200 - $300 per 30 – 40 minute
Performances will be scheduled for Spring and Summer, 2011.
Reply to: For more information, contact Kevin Henry at
Source: Private Submission