Sunday, April 10, 2011

Auditions: Sunday, April 10, 2011

This page contains auditions posted on Sunday, April 10, 2011.

It's time for a new topic of discussion for the week:

So, you've done your research to ensure that the audition is legitimate, and you've just received your audition time slot. You attend the auditions, and it goes incredibly well, you received great feedback, and now you wait with anticipation to receive news about a callback. Giddy with excitement, you want to tell all of your friends, or even post on Facebook all about the audition. Whether before or after the audition, you want to share the news with friends and family, and even the world of Facebook.

But not so fast. Many seasoned actors will advice against sharing news of auditions, or even news of callbacks. If cast, this is exciting and can sometimes openly be shared, but actors are encouraged to keep their auditions and callbacks private. While there are many reason as to why, one of the biggest is that the audition process is a standard part of the job for an actor, but booking the job is what actually counts. Also, some of the big shows filming in Portland may have non disclosure agreements, meaning they are required to keep certain episode or character details quiet until the episode airs, and sharing information about your audition is in violation of this. So when you get called back for the role of a lifetime as the spy on Leverage, the producers and writers may not have publicized that they were bringing back the spy, and this news would have an effect on viewers, and even become an issue for those who enjoy watching the show every week. It may even jeopardize your ability to book the role.

For some of us, though, just getting the audition is a huge accomplishment, and is such a success that it deserves to be shared.

A recent conversation took place on the social networking websites, where a local, professional actor, and very talented teacher and filmmaker wrote, "
A car salesman doesn't post on his wall every time he shows a car to a customer." This may help put it into perspective for some, but I wanted to open up this discussion in our chat box.

Let's start up this week's chat and discuss your thoughts about posting auditions, callbacks, and even booked jobs for friends and family to see!

If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.



Auditions for full length lesbian romance/comedy movie

Auditions will be held for an full length lesbian romance/comedy movie
on April 19th in the Bellevue/Seattle area.
(More information will be emailed once given a response.)

We will be searching for our cast through the month of April.
This is a no-pay gig but it is for a great experience, credit, and for
the LGBT community.
We also plan on submitting this film to future film festivals.

-Dates for filming will occur through May to July at latest.-

The following roles open are as follows:

Major roles:
Alicia: Early 20s, shy but opens up later, falls for Cherise
Cherise: Early 20s, strong, confident woman, has a past
Blake: (Also known as "Karina") Early 20s, does dress in a drag
occasionally, very open, good friend
Madeline: Early 20s, typical party girl
Jake: Mid 20s, trouble maker

Minor Roles:
Shane: Early 20s, Blake's temporary boyfriend
Graham: Early 20s, D&D player
Jeremy: Early 20s, D&D player
Scott: Eaerly 20s, D&D player
Chris: Early 20s, party guy
Leah: Early 20s, party girl

We're also looking for extras as well.

(Knowledge of video games and D&D is a plus but not needed)

Thanks for your interest and feel free to ask any other questions.

Reply to: If interest, please send a headshot and resume to the email to

Source: Northwest Film Forum Callboard


Open call for participants in art performance

Performance artist looking for female participants in an upcoming performance. I am looking for individuals under the age of 35. The performance itself will take about an hour and a half. Pay is DOE and varies on the roll.

The performance is centered around issues of beauty, consumerism and consumption. Please send samples of previous work. Contact for more details.

Reply to:

Source: Craigslist
