Saturday, June 11, 2011

Auditions: Saturday, June 11, 2011

This page contains auditions posted on Saturday, June 11, 2011.

Ready for another topic of discussion? I have received some personal feedback on my blog, and not everyone is a fan of the topics of discussion each week. Some people would rather just visit and get their audition info, which I completely understand.

Since I am doing this blog for you, I want this to be enjoyable for you. Feel free to send me suggestions for topics you'd like to discuss, or suggestions to make this blog more useful for you. Feel free to use the chat box, or you can send me a private message.

I hope you'll continue to look here for auditions everyday.

As always, if you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends.



Featured actors needed for comedy music video (Seattle area)

Seeking Seattle actors for a comedy viral music video PSA directed at cleaning up Puget sound. Any age and ethnicity welcome! The only requirement is you must have a dog that can be your co-star.

Shoot date: half day either Wednesday 6/15 or Thursday 6/16
pay: $100 for half day shoot

Reply to: To submit, please email your resume, head shots and a picture of your dog if possible to We're looking forward to hearing from all of you!

Source: Craigslist


CASTING CALL - Corporate Training Video

Casting Call for Corporate Training Videos

Dramatized corporate training videos being filmed in the Bellevue

Casting for 7 roles.

BILL KENSINGTON – 50-60 year old Male. Caucasian. Touch of gray hair.
-CFO. Playing a seasoned exec – intimidating, confident,
strong, authoritative, impatient, and vertically superior

LINDA MARTIN – Mid to 40’s Female.
-COO. Playing a seasoned exec. No-nonsense, leans toward all
business. Got to her present position with smarts and experience.

RON DURHAM – Early to mid 30’s. Male. Caucasian
-Business savvy, up-and-coming salesman. Road warrior. Eager
to do well and learn how to get ahead. Genuine. Tracy’s protégé

TRACY LEWIS – Late 30’s to Early 40’s. Female. Asian or African-
-Ron’s manager and mentor. Experienced sales manager. Road
warrior. Business savvy and successful. Helpful, good teacher/coach
without being condescending.

PAUL – 30-40yrs old. Male. Any race and/or easily understood accent.
-Finance Director (junior exec). Works under Bill and with
Linda. Certainly professional.

SCOTT – 30-40yrs old. Male. Any race
-Sales person for a company that competes against Ron’s;
confident, looking to make a deal – but not like a used car salesman

JUDITH – 30-40yrs old. Female. Mixed race.
-Bill’s executive assistant; educated, focused on business; is
Bill’s gatekeeper

Thursday, June 16th – 4:00pm-7:00pm (by appointment only)
Please RSVP to schedule an audition, receive the audition location,
and character sides.

This is a one day, paid ($200), non-union production filming in the
Bellevue area. Production date is not yet confirmed but will be one of
the following days: June 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd

Thank you for your interest.

Reply to:

Source: Northwest Film Forum Callboard


Casting Call- "Invidious" a short experimental film

Seattle Film Institute is casting for a short student film called
"Invidious". The film is about 50 year old Nathan Reid has been
jealous all his life of other people. We are introduced to nathan as
he wakes up from a horrific nightmare involving killing his co worker,
Gary. He consults a psychiatrist, but in the end, jealousy awaits.

The Cast as needed:

NATHAN REID- white male, 45-50 years of age, acting experience is

GARY, CO-WORKER- white male, 25-30 years of age, acting experience

Psychiatrist- White male, 40-50 years of age, acting experience is

3 Junior high kids- 13-14 years of age, all white males, acting
experience is necessary.

Nathan's wife, Karen- 40-50 years of age, white female, acting
experience is necessary.


The casting session will be FRIDAY, JUNE 17TH FROM 8 AM to 4 PM. The
location will be at Seattle Film Institute, 1510 23rd Avenue, Seattle,
WA 98122.

This film is unpaid, and non union. Thank you for your interest.

Phillip Nelson - Director/Writer

Reply to: Please contact me at PANELSON85@GMAIL.COM or call me at: 206-853-6308,

Source: Northwest Film Forum Callboard


Announcing auditions for *V2 Farm Three Thrilling Haunts*

*Saturday, June 18th, 1:00 PM *at V2 Farm

Male and Females ages 16 and up

V2 Farm is located at 20613 SE 436th St (Hwy 164) St., Enumclaw WA 98022
(about 5 miles past the Muckleshoot Casino)

Bring* RESUME & HEADSHOT* (or most recent photo)

Auditions are in the brick barn so please come dressed with clothes
appropriate for a barn (do not wear designer clothes and nothing white!)

All are evening shows with 26 shows scheduled beginning September 23 through
October 31.

Base Pay is $1000 for all 26 shows PLUS an additional $2 per pre-sold ticket
on specific dates. Details will be explained after a successful audition.

Thanks so much and hope to see y'all Saturday, June 18th at 1:00 PM!

Happy trails,

Horses & Kids

Reply to:

Source: Performers Callboard
