This page contains auditions posted on Monday, February 28, 2011.
On the Portland Auditions Blog, we have had a month of very interesting discussions in the chat box. As we come to the end of the month, I wanted to revisit a brief discussion that we had in the chat box regarding working for little or no pay. An article is circulating the world of Facebook, and I felt it was worth mentioning. This well written article reviews situations we typically encounter as artists, and outlines when it may be okay to work for no monetary compensation.
I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts and feedback on this!
If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.
Actors - For Student Commercial
Looking for three actors with athletic builds to appear in a Student Commercial. Although it is no pay, I will provide lunch and give you a copy of the finished product for you to use on your resume. I will provide more info after being contacted. Thank you for your time.
My Demo Reel -
Reply to:
Source: Craigslist
Charlie's Dilemma
Films seeks professional- trained sag/non-sag actors for sag short film project
for 2011-2012 film festival entries. Sojourner films seeks skilled actors/actresses to send pic/res/video by email. filming will be Saturdays 5am-5pm May 7-June 18
Describe any monetary compensation:
This is a SAG deferred film, however
Producer/director will compensate actors with a free slated audition DVD of 2 scenes for actor's professional use.
Character Breakdown / Project Needs
Character break down:
Charlie: 20-something: (Already cast) a sensitive, a quiet romantic, he is young writer trying to hold on to his virtue in hope of meeting the right woman.
Samantha: 20-something, any ethnicity type-A personality, materialistic, uptight by day but deeply dependent on her mother, mysteriously provocative by night, Tango dance dream sequence included, must be able to tango or fit willing to learn,( instruction provided)
Jessica: 20-something, any ethnicity, she is passionate bookworm, highly intellectual bordering on geekdom, intensely political though misguided and sometimes morose: she walks up cloudy hilltops for meaning in a Bergman-ish black/white film dream: any Swedish or French language for martyrdom a plus.
Michelle: 20-something, any ethnicity, she is a flirty player, always in need of male attention even when she is with Charlie, and always sending off mixed signals but she is several of Charlie’s imaginings: Fellini-sh La dolce vita, Hitchcock- film noir femme fatale.
Marie: 20-something stalker, she has convinced herself that Charlie’s politeness as a sign of true love, he barely knows her except from his apartment building. She is a bit kooky, fidgety; convinced she’s nothing without a man or a father. Charlie nightmare portrayed with Marie is another Hitchcock fear: shower scene,
Zoe Tucci: 20-something Italian-American, and Charlie’s childhood friend; thoughtful, smart, funny, productive, kind and sensitive, secure in her womanhood she is a nurse with Doctors without Borders comeback to Seattle to look for Charlie.
Birdie: Charlie’s Mother: 40-50, (can be played by a 30-something) smart, funny, straightforward, blunt, kind, a romantic soul like her son. Charlie is half black/ white, olive skin-European, mother can be white or any ethnicity.
Joe: 40-up, any ethnicity, a well-known writer, gruff, he despises his own celebrity, he is a man ravage by his own mistakes in life but as Charlie’s mentor he gives gruff but sensitive pearls of wisdom about love for he is a longsuffering romantic who drinks whiskey-laced coffee and writes brilliant novels.
Young Charlie: 8-10 year old, flashback scene.
Young Zoe: 8- 10 year old flashback scenes.
Featured extras, with possible lines
Reply to: Please send via email Pic/resume and 1-3 min monologue w/ slate: Name, agent, union/non-union beginning on video and one 3- 5 min.scene if possible. Deadline for actor submission March 15.
Source: Private Submission