Monday, September 19, 2011

Auditions: Monday, September 19, 2011

This post contains auditions posted on Monday, September 19, 2011.

This post will continue to be updated as new audition notices are discovered, so please check back throughout the day.

If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.




I had an actor quit the production and I need to fill his position ASAP. Shooting for his character is all day this Wednesday (sept. 21) and after 4:00 PM on Thursday.

Character: Johnny Victory - Major antagonist

Description: Johnny can be one of two people depending on your age,
1. An overplayed young wannabe action movie star that will never be above a C-actor. Very much in the vain of an Evel Knievel if he were trying to act.
2. An old washed up action star that is holding onto his few good movies from 20-30 years back and trying to live off his former glory. trying to live the rockstar life as it pertains to women.

Johnny's role in this production is to be the antagonist that steals the girl from the main character. He is in a very manageable fight scene with the "dorky-type" character. Johnny is also asked to kiss another cast member.

If this is something you are interested in, please contact me. Please also provide a headshot and confirm your availability for the dates and times above.

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Source: Craigslist



We are shooting a feature film and are already half way through shooting. We had some extras scheduling conflicts and are looking to find some more on short notice. We are looking for 10-20 extras for a BBQ scene at a Puyallup location. All interested, please apply. Ideally, we are looking for 18 - 27 years of age with an even mix of men to women. Because of the nature of the scene, we are looking for attractive women to fill the extras roles.

Time: Wednesday, Sept. 21st from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Where: Puyallup, WA

Please contact with any and all inquiries.


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Source: Craigslist


In need of ACTRESS for short film "On Set" (U-District)

Widescreen Eye Films is in need of a talented ACTRESS for its upcoming short film "On Set."


We are looking for an actress to play Gemma/Jette/Natasha (same person).

-female who looks to be in 20s
-headshot and resume

Be prepared to AUDITION for the part in front of the crew.
Please read the script beforehand - but it is not necessary to memorize it.
AUDITION WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY THE 21ST AT NOON. We will email you the address of the audition.

This is not a paid gig.

Reply to:

Source: Craigslist


Casting Male Bodybuilders For Instructional Video (Seattle)

Seeking well-defined men for instructional video.
Requires tasteful rear nudity, but no sexual situations.
Pays $100 for a one-day shoot.
We're casting over the next ten days, and the shoot will be the first week of October.

Send pic, stats, and availability, and we'll set up an interview.


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Source: Craigslist


Casting Call for "bare: a pop opera" (Capitol Hill)

We are holding auditions for a Seattle production of the musical "bare." "bare" is a rock musical that focuses on two Gay high school students and their struggles at their private, Catholic boarding school. The parts that we are still looking to fill are:
Jason - St. Cecilia's resident golden boy and most popular student, jock, valedictorian, also Peter's closeted roommate and lover.
Nadia - Jason's overweight, sharp-tongued twin sister; she is cynical but strong.
Ivy - the pretty, popular, but insecure girl; desperately in love with Jason
Sister Chantelle - the school's sassy, no-nonsense drama teacher. Strong voice required. African-Americans or Asians preferred for this role.
Tanya/Kyra - two of the students who double as the Virgin Mary's backup-singing angels, both have strong soulful voices (think: the Supremes)
Claire - Peter's mother, who is reluctant to hear her son's attempt of telling her he is Gay, but learns that her love for him is stronger than her religion
Diane, Zack, Alan, Rory - other students in the school (with singing parts)

1. First you will need to send us the following:

- A recording of your singing and speaking voices
- Your contact information, resume and head-shot
- Why you want to participate in this production
- The specific character you would like to play

2. Once we screen the recordings, we will select candidates to audition in person. If chosen, you will receive audio recordings and lyrics of the specific songs to prepare and perform for us. You will need to bring the following to the audition:

- Availability sheet filled out
- Release forms signed

The day and time for the in-person audition is Tuesday, October 4th from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. You will be contacted with your specific time if selected. Please add this to your calendar if you want to participate as it is the only day we will have auditions for singers. If you are selected for the second audition you will be contacted with the location.

This production is being put together to benefit OutLoud, part of the Youth Suicide Prevention Program (YSPP) that helps stop suicides in the LGBT community. All cast members will be volunteers.

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Source: Craigslist
