Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Auditions: Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This page contains auditions posted on Tuesday, February 1, 2011.

If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.



Lead Audio Needed for Feature Length Film

To anyone who has experience with film audio and owns equipment:

A.K. Films is shooting interiors for a feature-length independent
film, "The Pony Man," in a Ballard home this weekend, Friday, February
4th - Sunday, February 6th. We need a lead audio to record sound. We
will supply a second audio / boom operator to assist.

If interested, please reply with a quote for the amount of
compensation required for the entire weekend.

Thank you!

Dave McCaul

Reply to: mccauliflower@hotmail.com

Source: Northwest Film Forum Callboard


Short Film “Shake the Valley” now casting teens and adults

We are now seeking actors for “Shake the Valley”, a formalist coming-of-age
drama about a sheltered teenage girl who falls for a young delinquent.

Miranda - 16-18. Soft. Yearns for adventure and freedom, but doesn’t know
how to get them.

Jesse - 16-18. Lean. A vagabond. Lives in the woods when he is not squatting
in vacant, provincial vacation homes.

Mother - 40s-50s. Settled. Dotes on her daughter, Miranda. She cannot accept
how fast her daughter is growing up, and treats her like a child.

Father - 40s-50s. Weathered. A recreational hunter. Is emotionally distant
from his daughter. (Requires a minor stunt)

This is a student production, so the only compensation we can offer is
credit, a copy of the film for your reel, and of course craft services and
coffee on set.

We are tentatively scheduled to shoot for two days on Whidbey Island during
the last week of this month.

Auditions will be held next Tuesday, February 8th, from 4pm-8pm.

Dan Howes
Director/Producer, “Shake the Valley”
2nd year Film and Video, Seattle Central Community College

Reply to: If interested, please send a head shot and resume to Dan Howes at
quazarmuseum@gmail.com to receive location details.

Source: Performers Callboard


boom! auditions at Harlequin Prodctions

Project Begins Feb 27, 2011
Project Ends Apr 17, 2011

Audition/Interview Dates:
Saturday Feb 12th at 1pm at the State Theater in Olympia, WA

Audition Requirements:
Prepare a 3 minute monolouge, in addition to cold readings. Script sides will be sent before hand.

Sides/Script download:
script sides will be avialble soon at www.harlequinproductions.org/support/supjobopps.html

Describe any monetary compensation:
Stipend of $100 a week for the 7 weeks of rehearsal and performance, $700 total. There is an additional travel stipend of up to $100 a week for the driver of a carpool to and from Olympia.

Character Breakdown / Project Needs
Auditioning for the role of Barbara – A natural history docent. Mid 40s, buoyant, vulnerable, passionate, grand. The other two roles have been cast.

Reply to: jill@harlequinproductions.org or by phone at 360-705-3250 x107

Source: Harlequin Productions


Horror Feature Film CUT THE ROT Auditions

We are beginning production on our horror noir feature film CUT THE ROT April 15, 2011. We have twenty-four roles available. To be considered for an audition, please visit the Auditions Information page on our website.

Audition/Interview Dates:
Friday, March 4th 5pm-9pm and Saturday March 5th 2:30pm-6:30pm

Roles are paid positions. Session fees comparable to guild standards.

Character Breakdown / Project Needs:

Nathan Kane
Speaking: Yes
Acts: One, Two, Three
Early twenties. Nathan is a naive and tormented soul. He leads a life of quiet desperation until Gretchen comes into his life and opens his eyes to who and what he really is. Nathan arcs quickly as he accepts his "Becoming" (early stage of a killer) and then quickly falls into the role with gusto. His lack of experience betrays him as it becomes clear that Gretchen is not someone to be trusted.

Gretchen LeFevre
Speaking: Yes
Acts: One, Two, Three
Mid-twenties. NOTE: This character morphs in age (elderly) at one point. Gretchen is icy, detached, demure and manipulative. She is the primary antagonist of the piece. She plays the puppet master to Nathan. Murder, con artist, thief, soulless.

Carmen Kilpatrick
Speaking: Yes
Acts: One, Two, Three
Early twenties. Immature, blabbermouth, acts more like a tween rather than an adult. Self-centered, uses people. We are never quite sure what her motivation is for anything she does, other than it appears to be spur of the moment and impulsive. Daughter of Gretchen.

Boss Mazdoc
Speaking: Yes
Acts: Two, Three
Mid-twenties NOTE: This character morphs in age (elderly) at one point. Gorgeous, walks with a cane but still has incredible strength and fighting skill when the time calls for it. Dresses like a dominatrix - very over the top and played camp. Throws fits of rage when she is frustrated and angry. Calculating, intelligent, used to getting her way and taking vengeance on those who cross her.

Walt Tapper
Speaking: Yes
Acts: Two, Three
Mid twenties. Vicious, bloodthirsty, driven by carnal and primitive desires. He appears as a flesh human being in a couple scenes and then for the majority of his time as an animated, cognitive corpse hellbent on leaving a large body count. This character will require a tremendous amount of SFX makeup. Nathan's father and Gretchen's husband.

Brian The Assassin
Speaking: Yes
Acts: Two, Three
Early thirties. Brian The Assassin is the total professional killer and a bit over the top. A bit prudish considering his occupation. Does his job, gets paid. Smart enough to get out of the biz when the time is right.

Richard Mazdoc
Speaking: Yes - one line
Acts: One
Mid-twenties. Clean-cut, well-dressed businessman. Richard is Boss Mazdoc's son. Although he is a minor character, his death at the end of act one is a pivotal turning point in the script. This character may be combined with one or two other minor character parts, such as neo-prene hooded henchmen.

Bruce Cavenaugh
Speaking: Yes
Acts: One, Two
Mid forties. Bruce is big and brash - a tough sunuvabich. He owns a seedy little liquor store and is Nathan's employer. His one goal in life is to make Nathan's life hell.

The Waitress
Speaking: Yes, minimal lines
Acts: Two
Early to mid-forties. Rural, unsophisticated, mildly rude and abrupt with customers. The waitress appears in act two and is killed gruesomely.

Street Punk One
Speaking: Yes
Acts: One, Two.
Early twenties. This character appears in two scenes and is killed horribly.

Street Punk Two
Speaking: Yes
Acts: One, Two.
Early twenties. This character appears in two scenes and is killed horribly.

The Judge
Speaking: Yes
Acts: Three
Early fifties. Rotund, gray-haired, genteel. He is the victim of a home invasion perpetrated by Tapper and is forced to torture himself for Tapper's amusement.

There is a need for several neo-prene hooded henchmen. Cast playing other roles may choose to pull double duty and play a henchman.

Bound-and-Gagged Girl
Speaking: No
Acts: Three
She appears in the very last scene of the movie, in the back room of the seedy liquor store.

Lovey-Dovey Teen Boy
Speaking: No
Acts: Three
He and his girlfriend are having dinner at the diner and are promptly sliced-and-diced by Tapper.

Lovey-Dovey Teen Girl
Speaking: No
Acts: Three
She and her boyfriend are having dinner at the diner and are promptly sliced-and-diced by Tapper.

Homeless Man
Speaking: No
Acts: One
Appears briefly with his overloaded shopping cart outside seedy bar. Nathan rifles through his things for a sweater.

Street Junkie
Speaking: Yes Acts: One She appears briefly in the seedy liquor store, bartering for booze and pukes on the floor.

Split Man
Speaking: No
Acts: One
Appears in one of Nathan's nightmare visions.

Terrified Woman
Speaking: No
Acts: One
Appears in one of Nathan's nightmare visions.

Speaking: No
Acts: Three
Appears in two scenes sitting at the diner counter and is decapitated.

Speaking: Yes
Acts: Two
Seedy bar owner. Spends time behind bar in background.

Speaking: No
Acts: One
Young boy. He stands with his mother at the bus stop shelter where Nathan awakens after being beaten by street punks.

Speaking: No
Acts: One
She stands with her young son at the bus stop shelter where Nathan awakens after being beaten by street punks.

Reply to: Email info@wattenhofer-morgan.com with a current headshot and resume, and any relevant links to your work (IMDb resume page, reels, etc)

Source: Wattenhofer-Morgan Films