Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Auditions: Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This page contains auditions posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2011.

Are you participating in the Theatre Puget Sound auditions this week? Share your experience with preparation and auditioning, and let us know all about it in the chat box below.

This page will continue to be updated daily to provide local actors in and around the Seattle area with a compilation of casting calls and auditions.

If you are a fan of the blog, please share this with actor friends. If you have any feedback for me on how to improve my blog, share this with me so that I may work on improving the blog.



A student feature film seeking actors

We are looking for two main male actors, in their late teens to early twenties, as well as some minor roles for a student feature film production that will be filmed in Seattle for 20 days between late March and mid-May.

We require that you prepare a monologue of your choice and a side reading, which will be provided to you upon emailing us.

Open auditions will be on Saturday, February 26th from 12-3pm.
Call backs are the following day on Sunday, February 27th from 12-3pm.

The location will be sent to you once you email us.

Here’s a film synopsis and character breakdown:

“Blackhat” is a feature film that will be produced by the students of the University of Washington. It is a Story of a young man (College Undergrad) who, being an involved member of this generation, falls into the world of technological addiction, dependency on electronics, and eventual computer hacking. As he delves into the computer driven world, he finds himself conflicted between two realities: technological and natural. This confusion is brought about by the love interest of a girl who is driven by natural beauty, and is not familiar with the central protagonist’s other self (the hacker). She shows him the beauty of social interaction, living free, and being a present part of society. The world is visceral, light, and colorful when he is with her, but can he manage the two realities?

Character breakdown:

Principal roles:

David– Around18-22 years-old, any ethnicity. A Somewhat plain, genuine person, excited about becoming a man and growing and developing a personality of his own. Falls in love with Saren, and gets involved in underground hacking under the mentorship of Jason.
Jason – Around 19-23 years-old, any ethnicity. Jason sways with arrogance, confidence, and intelligence; likewise, he’s a cool-minded guy that only becomes frustrated or angry when he is opposed or debated. He’s a leader and the most persuasive character in the life of David throughout the plot. He will mold David into the hacker he wants him to be. He polarizes everything Saren is.

Minor roles:

Mother – In her 40s-50s, any ethnicity. She’s David’s mother. She’s very attached to her son.

Ben- Around 22-25 years-old, any ethnicity. He’s Saren's friend that is two years older. He has a little place with Matt, and hosts a couple of parties and invites Saren to. David, in turn attends by Saren's invitation.

Matt- Around 20-25 years-old, any ethnicity. He’s Ben’s housemate. He has a little thing with Tricia.

Unfortunately because this is a student film there will not be any monetary compensation, but food will be provided and actors/extras will receive credit and a copy of the finished work.

Reply to:

Source: Craigslist


Auburn Community Players announce auditions for Bye Bye Birdie

WHEN: Saturday, March 5, 11:30 a.m. – 4p.m.
WHERE: Auburn Avenue Theater, 10 Auburn Ave.
PREP: Bring a head shot/picture, musical theater song and 1-2 minute monologue. Bring sheet music in correct key, accompanist is provided.

AUBURN, Wash. – February 15, 2011 - The Auburn Community Players would like to announce auditions for their second production, Bye Bye Birdie. Auditions will be held March 5 from 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Auburn Ave Theater, located at 10 Auburn Ave. Auditioners please come prepared with a head shot photo, prepare a song from musical theater and a 1 - 2 minute monologue. Bring the sheet music in the correct key. An accompanist is provided. CD accompaniment is also accepted.

This show is one of the most captivating musical shows of our time. It is a satire done with the fondest affection, and tells the story of a rock and roll singer who is about to be inducted into the army. "An English Teacher", "What Did I Ever See in Him?", "Put on a Happy Face", "One Boy", "A Lot of Livin' to Do, Kids", "Rosie" and "Spanish Rose" are musical theatre classics. This is the tops in imagination and good old fashioned fun. Performances will take place at the Auburn Ave Theater on June 3, 4, 10, and 11 at 7:30 p.m. and June 5 & 11 at 2 p.m.

For any questions regarding the Auburn Community Players or the Auburn Ave Theater please contact Jim Kleinbeck at 253-804-5057.

Reply to: Those wishing to audition for the show please call 253-833-5678 to set up an audition time.

Source: City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation


Auditions for Quiz Show

Wing-It Productions seeks improvisers and actors with improv experience to audition. Must be 18 or older.

PROJECT ENDS: Jun 17, 2011
AUDITION/INTERVIEW DATES: Tuesday March 1, 7:00pm-9:00pm

Audition will involve improv games and scenes. Please plan on staying for the whole 2 hours to do improv scenes.

Describe any monetary compensation:
$100 stipend

Reply to:

Source: Wing-It Productions
